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An in-depth interview w event producer Eric Spivak

Eric Spivak, calls himself "your new best friend" and "the plug" in L.A ...but he doesn't sell more to find out why..

Eric Spivak, can you give us your backstory, as to who you are and what you do?

I've always struggled knowing where to begin with this question and it typically is the start of every interview. I feel like I've lived 10 lives and each day brings me in a different direction with a wealth of new opportunities for self-expression and exploration. I'm an independent artist first and foremost. Designer, Deejay, Rapper, Artist Manager, Event Producer, Creative Director, Culture Cultivator, Tastemaker, Trendsetter, LA Tour Guide, Gatekeeper, Doer, Friend, Lover, Fighter, Writer, Extroverted Introvert, Mover, Shaker, Rock, Hypeman, Life Coach, Teacher, Student, Guide, Mentor ... To say the least. haha!

You said you’ve been an event producer for 10 years, what was your first inspiration that led you to pursue creative endeavors?

The majority of what I do is based on what others don't. I'm good at finding out what's lacking, whether it's a song with a weak bassline or hook that doesn't hit, an event with a lot of holes in their umbrella that endanger attendees or decrease earning potential or even worse, are half-assed efforts diluting a memorable experience. I'm good at diagnosing and analyzing things then creating unique solutions for problems that people don't know they have until they're presented with them. I'm not a fan of sweeping the leg, kicking a dog while it's down, or fighting fire with fire. So when the facade fades and the cracks begin to show, I'm typically the first responder on the scene to help seal them back up with caution tape and a breakdown of why it happened, instead of pulling at a loose thread til the whole thing falls apart. In case you don't follow, my inspiration is based around my perspective, and interest in always doing better... Everyone and everything can 'always" be better, but most settle once they get comfortable or complacent. This is a recurring issue when more money starts rolling in and people get sloppy and careless at a time they should be doing the opposite. Additional inspo comes from the ability to express myself in so many different mediums with events, not only am I programming music, decorating environments, creating atmosphere and ambiance, but I also get to entertain, connect people, network myself, try out theories and creative ideas, take people to another world, and really get to dig deep into my own imagination. It's all something that I look at as a privilege and am very blessed to be able to do for a living.

What would would you say was the hardest thing about getting started?

Being Independent, I've lived on my own since 17 or so and dropped out of high school my sophomore year. Working from everywhere from Papa Johns to Target to Best Buy to Red Lobster to selling Vacuums, Solar Panels, Drugs, Music, Clothing and much much more. The hardest part for me to get to where I'm at today has definitely been my lack of guidance. I've had so many obstacles and forms of adversity that I've had to problem solve and trouble shoot myself which, naturally has created a lot of strength, knowledge and experience. I don't know if that growth has positively impacted me so much and I do somewhat kick myself for not being more open with asking for help. Both of my parents kinda share this stubborn "don't ask for help" trait. My ex-girlfriend had a similar issue of keeping it all inside til you face defeat and you're forced to accept the help from those around you who love, care, and appreciate you. A bit of advice I want to share to anyone out there getting their feet wet in any line of work is to remember that there's a billions of people out there doing the same thing as you, or who've potentially already done what you're looking to do. Don't be afraid to ask for help, those who do tend to have a little less scars and bruises at the end. It's okay to "not" have a ton of war stories, a happy beginning to a happy ending is a perfect life in my opinion. Being too independent and isolated is a form of self sabotage that we don't really recognize til we fall on our faces.

What are your most favorite events that you have helped to curate??

Where do you see yourself within the next 5 years?

On a curation side I've done literally everything from bartending, bar backing, securing venues, sound, lighting, visuals, booking, labor intensive installations, design, street promotions with flyers, posters, wheatpaste, staple guns and more. On the talent side or themes of events,I've done everything from 7pm to 7am Skatepark Lock-Ins, Fashion Shows, Art Shows, One series called "The Grind" I threw above this restaurant I worked at ( BJ's Brewhouse ) and had Mike G, Syd & Vince Staples perform. It's funny to look at then til now because most of the brands carried by that skate shop, I now work with the owners of. A lot of the artists such as Shepard Fairey & Obey and even some of the skaters have now gone pro. I enjoy having my finger on the pulse and I like to do events that cater to my personal interest, As much as they are for everyone else at the end of the day it's my wonderland and my test to myself on if I can pull this off and how well I can do it. I look at events like fashion and style. Even though your fit may be intricately and deeply thought out, it should feel and look effortless. When people can't tell if you've spent a million dollars or a couple hundred. That's what I like to see. I'd say most expensive event I helped curate with Gaggenaus three incredible nights of eating, drinking and celebration. This luxury kitchen appliance company was celebrating their 335th year in business with a rooftop penthouse immersive forest wonderland with real trees and ... so much more. It was insane and cost millions to create and attendance ranging from everyone who's anyone.

5 Years from now, I see myself as the co-founder of an international women's festival with my partner Gavlyn and also co-owner to the world's largest and most impactful women's platform. DaughtersLA was started by us last year, next year it'll be DaughtersINTL and potentially DaughtersWorldWide. I'll obviously have a multitude of other great projects that I'm proud of and can share. For the time being though, this is 100% the biggest and most empowering project in my life and my proudest work to date.

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